
The Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee Inc. presented “Engage Rotary, Change Lives” as the theme of this year’s float appearing in the 125th Rose Parade taking place in Pasadena, California.

“Dreams Come True” was the 2014 parade theme.

Rotary International President Ron Burton and all Rotarians have the same dream – the eradication of Polio. By engaging this dream, Rotarians will not only change the lives of those in the three countries where Polio still exists (Nigeria, Pakistan & Afghanistan), but change the world from one where Polio continues to a Polio Free World.

The Annual Tournament of Roses Parade provides a great opportunity to reach millions of people with the message of Rotary's commitment to service and dedication to peace. This is a unique public relations opportunity and one that depends entirely upon the voluntary contributions of Rotary clubs in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean to the multi-district Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee.

“Engage Rotary, Change Lives” relates to Rotary’s top philanthropic goal to eradicate Polio worldwide. When Rotarians are engaged in this large of a task, our dream of our Polio free world will change lives worldwide for the better. When our volunteers across the globe experience the smiles of healthy children and adults walking on their healthy limbs, we know that our dream is becoming a reality. The float’s delightful and engaging train, which is this close to crossing the bridge, reflects the hopes and optimism of Rotarians worldwide and Rotary’s “This Close” public awareness campaign to end Polio.

Visit End Polio Now to learn more about Rotary's polio eradication initiative.  
