From L to R - Brian Bieschke, Judy & Paul Hennip
Outgoing Club President Brian Bieschke awarded the honor of 15/16 Rotarians of the Year to Paul and Judy Hennip at the club’s June 28 installation and awards dinner held at Chicago Prime Italian restaurant located in Schaumburg.
Both Paul and Judy, who have been active Rotarians for decades, recently announced their retirement from Rotary. Both were first members of the Rotary Club of McHenry and later joined the Rotary Club of Schaumburg A.M. after relocating to this area.   Both are past club presidents of Schaumburg A.M. Rotary and have served in numerous club leadership positions during their tenure.  Most recently Judy served as club treasurer and Paul as president of the club’s foundation.
Paul and Judy first became aware of and then joined Rotary when their daughter Tina - at the time a high school student - was selected to participate in a local Rotary club sponsored youth exchange program to Denmark.  Youth Exchange provides participants with the opportunity to meet people from other lands and to experience their cultures, thus promoting peace and planting the seeds of international understanding. The world becomes both smaller and friendlier when we learn that all people, regardless of nationality, desire the same basic things: a safe, comfortable environment that allows for a rich and satisfying life for our children and ourselves.
As a result of Tina’s positive experience as an exchange student, Paul & Judy became very active with the Central States Rotary Youth Exchange Program (CSRYE) for a number of years.  CSRYE is a multi-Rotary District program that covers eighteen Rotary Districts in the Great Lakes area including the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, part of Minnesota and the southern part of Ontario, Canada.
In 2015 their daughter Tina joined the Rotary Club of Mason in Ohio, following in Paul & Judy’s footsteps of “doing good” by helping others in need and giving back to their community, all in keeping with Rotary International’s principal motto of “Service Above Self”.
Schaumburg A.M. Rotarians wish Paul & Judy all the best as they begin a new chapter in life that includes traveling, spending time with family and friends and sleeping in on Wednesday mornings!