Schaumburg AM Rotarians participated in the August 7th Feed My Starving Children’s “CEO’s Circle” event held at the FMSC Schaumburg warehouse and meal packing site.
The event’s keynote speakers included FMSC’s Executive Director/CEO Mark Crea and Stefan Radelich, President/CEO of Feed The Hungry, one of FMSC’s global distribution partners.
Global partners distribute FMSC food to children in schools, orphanages, medical clinics and feeding programs in 70 countries around the world to break the cycle of poverty. These partners also stay with communities for the long haul, empowering them to move from relief to development.
Crea and Radelich shared stories of how the guarantee of a daily meal gives undernourished or malnourished kids a leg up and a chance to get an education that gives them hope for a brighter, better future.
At this year’s Community Grant Awards Breakfast our club foundation donated one full pallet of food to FMSC which represents an entire year of daily meals for a classroom somewhere on the planet.
Following the CEO’s commentary, event attendees participated in a one-hour meal packing service project that supports FMSC’s ongoing mission of “turning hunger into hope.”