Club takes field trip to Child's Voice
on Apr 13, 2016

Schaumburg AM Rotarians departed from the usual weekly club meeting format by visiting Child's Voice located in Wood Dale, IL. Kate Bosum, Director of Advancement, welcomed us to their facility where we divided into two groups to do a hands-on project with students by helping them make rainbows with paper plates, cotton balls, strips of colored construction paper and glue.
Our club has awarded several community grants to Child's Voice who provides services to children affected by hearing loss. Early detection of hearing loss and appropriate intervention is critical to getting these children mainstreamed back into their neighborhood schools sooner rather than later, where they can learn, socialize and develop into productive, successful and contributing members of society.
Child's Voice is a non-profit organization that celebrates a milestone anniversary in 2016 - that being 20 years of smiles on the faces of students who have benefited from their services.
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