Schaumburg AM Rotary continues its series “Volunteer Member Spotlight of the Month” that features one of our club members who makes a difference in our communities.
Our members are people who wear many hats in their daily lives and who apply Rotary values in all that they do.
May's member spotlight features Brian Bieschke.
Q. How long have you been a member of Schaumburg AM Rotary?
A. Just over eight years
A. Lynda and I had been asked/invited by Jim McKenzie to several events that the club hosted over a period of time. One evening at the Schaumburg Boomers (then Flyers) Stadium, I asked Jim about attending a club meeting.
My first meeting was at Spring Valley Nature Center and I immediately felt welcome. After attending several more meetings as a guest, I applied for membership. Bottom line, it was just the right time for me to join a service organization and give back to my community.
Q. What do you enjoy most about being a Rotary club member?
A. Hands down, it’s the friendship of the club members. We joke at times about our Rotary family but it’s true.
Q. What unique/special role do you have in the service club?
A. Currently, I am not serving in a board position. Right now, I think my role in the club is to be a resource for others to use and help where I can when needed. I have managed the club's winter coat distribution event at Schaumburg's Children's Home & Aid facility for the last few years as well as our District grant applications and follow up. I also helped create a recurring fundraiser held jointly with the Schaumburg - Hoffman Lions Club that has allowed both clubs to raise several thousand dollars over the last two years that ultimately benefited our community.
Q. What is your favorite Rotary story?
A. Over the past eight years there have been so many stories, but I believe my trip to Belize is my favorite. We had the right mix of service and fun, but my favorite memory during that time was while we were traveling across that country on our last full day there.
We came across a young girl standing in the rain, selling fruit from her garden on the side of the road. When we stopped she told us that each bag cost $1. We took two bags and gave her a $20 bill. She had a look of fear on her face, saying that she didn't have any change to give. We explained that we didn't want any change back. She asked us to wait while she went across the street to speak with her mother about the money. When she returned with her mom, they were both so thankful that it almost brought the five of us to tears.
Her mother explained that the girl and her younger sisters were waiting for the bus to take them to church for Christian Education classes, but the bus was late. She asked us if we could give them a ride and that it was only a few miles to church. Of course, we said we would so the four of them jumped in the van with us. We had a fun but brief visit with them on the way and enjoyed the fruit we purchased.
I still cannot believe the trust they displayed by getting in the van with five complete strangers, but I think that also says something about the Belize people. It was a teaching moment for me as well. I always call moments like that “God's sense of humor”. I think about them from time to time and wonder what they are doing now in addition to praying for them all. I also know I never would have had the opportunity to meet them without being a Rotarian.
Q. How as Rotary helped to impact your life?
A. Ten years ago, I didn't know that Rotary even existed. Today I wonder who I would be without it. I've made friends with so many service minded people and it's become a part of mine and my family's life.
Q. Tell us a fun fact about you.
A. I have always enjoyed photography. I think I've had 25 - 30 cameras in my lifetime and have taken thousands of photos. I've filmed many special events for friends and once I even photographed a wedding.