Posted on Jan 04, 2019
Schaumburg AM Rotary is continuing its series called “Volunteer Member Spotlight of the Month” that features one of our club members who makes a difference in our communities.
Our members are people who wear many hats in their daily lives and who apply Rotary values in all that they do.
January's member spotlight features Earl Bateman.
Q. How long have you been a member of Schaumburg AM Rotary? 
A.  I have been a member of our club since 2003.
Q. Why did you join Rotary?
A.  Several of my friends were Rotarians and raved about being part of service to their community.  I accepted an invitation from Pete Justen and Ken Nykiel and came to a meeting. I was impressed by the activities that the club was involved in (fund raising, polio eradication and several other activities). Another plus was that this group meets on Wednesday mornings and I like starting the day off by being active.
Q. What do you enjoy most about being a Rotary club member?
A.  I enjoy the programs and keynote speakers we have at our club meetings that make it possible for me to learn more about the other organizations we support.
Q. What unique/special role do you have in the service club?
A.  I like the role of club service person. Over the years that I have served in this role, I scheduled interesting and educational speakers for our club.
Q. What is your favorite Rotary story?
A.  I have several Rotary stories that are favorites.  They involve our members who have been on polio inoculation missions to other countries.  They return to our club and share their experiences in these settings which I think enriches all of us.
Q. How as Rotary helped to impact your life?
A.  The most impactful thing about Rotary is the fellowship with others that I have enjoyed over the past fifteen years. We all share a common interest of service above self.
Q. Tell us a fun fact about you
A.  Up until last year, I could still dunk a basketball. Old age is catching up as I have missed achieving this feat three times this year. I skinned my knee on the last attempt which meant it was my last time.
Earl, thank you for all you do!  You are a great asset to Schaumburg AM Rotary & the community is a better place because of you & your work giving back to others. 