Posted on Oct 23, 2019
Today we warmly welcomed 19/20 Dist. 6440 Governor Suzanne Gibson for her official club visit (#54 out of 70+ clubs in the district that she will visit during her year as Governor.)
Accompanying Suzanne were her husband, Mark Gibson, who is also a Dist 6440 Asst. Governor, and Bill Kmiecik, our club’s Asst. Governor and Dist. 6440 Governor Nominee Designate for 22/23.
Suzanne and Mark are members of the Barrington Breakfast Rotary Club and Bill is a member of the Arlington Heights Rotary Club.
Suzanne updated us on Rotary International and District 6440 level initiatives.  She also shared her story as to how she and Mark learned about and made the choice to get involved with Rotary many years ago.
Noteworthy futures dates include the joint 2020 Dist. 6440/6420 Conference scheduled for April 24 & 25 at the Hyatt Regency Schaumburg and the 2020 Rotary International convention in Honolulu, Hawaii June 6 – 10.
Governor Suzanne presented recognition banners to club president Jerry Hays recognizing our club’s support of The Rotary Foundation as an “Every Rotarian Every Year Club”, in addition to a “100% Foundation Giving Club”.
Suzanne is doing her part to raise Rotary awareness as she travels around Dist. 6440 in her smartly decked out vehicle bearing Rotary and End Polio Now logos.  Be sure to give her a toot of your car horn and wave if you see her on the road! 
Take note that Jerry Hays, our 19/20 club president, managed to find his way to the driver’s seat of the "Governor-mobile" with our 20/21 club president elect Lisa Petersen being the designated back seat driver!! smiley  Rotary is on the move in more ways than one!